Lots of Happiness

Another sushi / hot food combo! oh my god what a surprise! Said no one ever. This is why I have walked past this place so many times, always thinking; “hmm maybe I should give it a go”. By the time I have finished the thought I am already in another restaurant, ordering a dish. Lots of happiness seems to be surplus to requirement, or is it a cut above the rest?

Here is the entrance, I have just noticed the “to rent” sign above it, not a good sign seeing as it has been open for about 5 minuities. That said, it dies have a nice exterior, that style then follows into the interior which does look nice to be fair. Very limited seating but again, this is an in and out kind of job.

The teryaki chicken, and this was … eh. There are SO many places within a 1 mile radius that do this exact same thing, and at a cheaper price. It does not stack up to the competition, the only nice addition is that they keep the chicken skin in the mix. The lack of rice, the bulking with veg and high price, renders this offering worthless.

Conclusion – Lots of Happiness

Average beyond belief. You can walk for 15 seconds down the road and encounter a place that does the same thing, cheaper and better. Not only that if you are willing to walk for 30 seconds, you can get an even better deal than that. In a competition that is so tough you have to stand out, which LOH isn’t able to do.

Total %42%
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